Transitioning to an all-licensing model has become a go-to option for fashion (and other) labels facing financial hardship. Most often this move comes after the challenged brand is purchased by one of the leading management groups, whose business model is to buy up struggling IPs and turn them around through a licensing-only approach. But it […]
Archive | Strategy
Quality Time
While consumers are divided on many issues, one thing on which almost all can agree is that they expect their licensed products to have a level of quality commensurate with the price. Lately, several marketers have been dealing with fan blowback—magnified on social media—because their products or plans, at least according to some of their […]
All-In On Acquisition
For some time, the companies that have been best able to navigate a challenging licensing landscape have tended to be either large, resource-rich entities or small independents. The former can control their supply chain and take advantage of synergies across industries, while the latter are able to offer unique, niche-oriented products and are agile enough […]
Come Together
Merger and acquisition activity among licensees around the world has been a notable trend in 2019—as it was in 2018—as consumer products marketers continue to come together to strengthen their position in the marketplace. The reasons for the consolidation vary: Category extension. Clothing marketer Delta Galil purchased The Bogart Group, an intimate apparel specialist, in […]
Agency Evolution
The licensing and retail landscape has evolved over the past several years to one that, in many sectors of the business, is more about collaborations and capsules than long-term merchandise lines, more about targeted initiatives than mainstream programs, and as much about experiences as products. Licensing agencies have been gradually reacting to this transformation by […]
Expect the Unexpected
A handful of deals announced this fall have put licensed properties into new and unexpected places: Kathy Ireland licensed Gander Group for a line of products sold exclusively through casinos in North America. The merchandise includes a range of home goods (indoor and outdoor), including kitchen accessories under the Chef Andre Sunday Dinner Presented by […]
Team Mentality
The biggest entertainment/character licensors and their licensees are enhancing fans’ sense of belonging and engagement with a bit of team spirit. Initiatives take different forms: Choosing sides. Several of Disney/Lucafilm’s licensed Star Wars products, from NVidia’s computer graphics processing units (GPUs) to Ample Hills’ ice cream, give consumers two alternatives from which to select, the […]
Profiting from Niche or Novel Products
There are times when the only practical way for licensors to capitalize on an up-and-coming new category is to add it to an existing licensing agreement, rather than signing a new deal: Compressed timeframes. When a category becomes hot quickly—even if it is likely to burn out just as fast—licensors want to jump in, both […]
Power to the People
A number of licensed products were introduced in 2016 and 2017 with crowdfunding campaigns supporting the launch. The examples below, all offered through Kickstarter, show how this platform is particularly suited to merchandise that appeals (for the most part) to an audience of male teens and young men: Gamebrand debuted a gamer smartwatch featuring classic […]
Bankrolling Brand Extension
At the end of last month, Iconix Brand Group reported that it was selling The Sharper Image to ThreeSixty Group. The announcement offers a good opportunity to take a look at the recent activities of the major investment companies that have become such a strong presence in licensing, especially in the fashion, luxury, corporate brand, […]