Bitten by the Pest-Control Bug

A handful of licensors have extended their names into pest prevention and control, with at least three new deals signed this year:

  • In May, Black + Decker and its agent Beanstalk signed CYA Trading for a line of ultrasonic indoor pest control products.
  • In February, The Royal Horticultural Society teamed with Agralan on a collection of pest prevention products for use in the garden, including insect traps and protective coverings and containers.
  • In January, the camouflage brand Realtree gave PIC Corporation the rights, in a deal brokered by Global Icons, for a line of outdoor pest control products. The Realtree brand and its camo designs are featured on the packaging, with the first items planned for a 2020 launch. PIC markets traps, insect-zapping lights, ultrasonic mosquito repellers, and the like.

These join at least three other existing licensed product lines focused on pest management. Bell + Howell works with with E. Mishan & Sons (Emson) to produce a line of ultrasonic pest repellers. The products are available through Walmart, Amazon, Menards, and other retailers.

In addition to its new Realtree announcement, PIC Corporation makes Raid-branded fly sticks and ribbons, along with traps for moths, fruit flies, and house flies, under license from SC Johnson.

And Terminix paired with London Luxury in 2013 for a line of bedding and travel products that protect from fleas and bedbugs, with items such as mattress covers still available. Terminix also signed a deal with TyraTech in 2012 for a line of consumer pest-control products—the two companies had already collaborated on the development and distribution of pest control chemicals—but that line is no longer on the market.

Each of these deals is different in terms of the type of pest, the tools and devices included under the agreement, and the brand or property application. But collectively they suggest that this is a category of growing interest to relevant licensors. There seems to be room for further expansion, since the roster of IP owners that have dipped their toes into this space remains relatively limited. Meanwhile, the potential market of consumers concerned about pests in their homes, workplaces, and gardens, as well as while camping or enjoying other outdoor activities, is vast.

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